Thrust Into The Alien's Arms (Lords Of Astria Book 4) (Sci-fi Alien Romance)
Thrust into the Alien’s Arms
© 2015 Juno Wells
All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are all productions of the author’s imagination.
Please note that this work is intended only for adults over the age of 18 and all characters represented as 18 or over.
Kindle Edition
Editorial Reviews From the Author
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Table of Contents
Sexy Sneak Peek
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Sexy Sneak Peek
Looking out from his large capsule at the purplish waterfall below, Adax waited for the go-ahead from Shauna. He began to fantasize about her earthly body. It was smaller than his, as was normal for an earthling – and definitely curvier. He had seen the females of many races, Eldazon being the tourist mecca it was, and he hadn’t been as impressed by many. Though his brother Cael had bragged about the six breasts of his Galorian girlfriend, Adax felt that four was more than enough, and two, perfect. After all, he had only two hands, large as they might be, and there were a lot of areas on a woman he wanted to explore. And although he could pleasure through telepathy alone, he liked to do so mainly manually, to really feel the sensations of touch, and leave the mind stuff for extra stimulation. An add-on, as it were. Bonus sexing.
When he got the sign that Shauna was ready for him, he initiated the mind fusing sequence again, and heard her thoughts: “Who is this Adax? What does he want?”
“I want you,” he sent back to her. “I want to make you happy, and want to be your man.”
“What do you look like?”
He sent her an image this time, rather than thoughts in words.
Shauna gasped, seeing the large alien’s look in her mind. He was exactly her type. Well, except for the light purple skin. But he was clearly tall, dark haired, muscular, ripped. “You’re gorgeous,” she thought involuntarily.
“As are you,” he came back. Almost as a habit, perhaps programmed by her mother, her mind immediately began thinking of all the ways she wouldn’t call herself gorgeous. Maybe a little hippy, she thought. And I can never get my hair to do that thing that the stylist always manages.
Adax shook his head, hearing her criticisms coming fast and furious. Clearly she didn’t understand how beautiful she was. He shook his head lightly, smiling. On Eldazon, she would be a true goddess – a dream come true. Silly, these earth people not understanding their unique beauty. He sent her another mental image, this time of her, how he saw her. Luscious curves, flowing hair, sparkling eyes. Kissable lips. Penetratable body…
Shauna received the image. “That’s you,” he said, in his warm voice. “How can that not be beautiful?”
War been brewing for over 1000 years, but never had it been so close…
If humans knew the danger lurking in the shadows of Outer Space above them not one would be able to sleep at night. Fortunately for them the guardians of the ancient peace—The Lords of Astria— protected their planetary home.
A new threat, the Dark Nebula, threatened the little spiral galaxy that had been neutral space since the Treaty of Elyria had ended the Great War.
Word had reached the High Council of atrocities being committed at the border of the Milky Way - the neutral territory between Astria and the Dark Nebula.
Just when things seemed at an impasse, a clever solution was proposed: to invoke the ancient rights which stated that once two peoples were united by blood and marriage, they became, in effect, one people— and any treaties which bound one people, bound all of them.
A member of the ruling house of each planet would take an earthling as a spouse, and so bring Earth under the protection - all with the utmost secrecy. If the Dark Nebula made further moves to encroach upon the Milky Way, the High Council would be able to protect its territory with lethal force.
A leader of each planet would have to wed and procreate with an Earthling in order to assure the continued survival and safety of the United Federation of Astria.
And so, while these cosmic decision played out in the heavens above them, the ignorant Earthlings slept blissfully, never knowing that the swiftly titling planet they called home held the fate of the universe within its little solar system… unless they were called up to be the mother to an alien child, a wife to an alien lover...
These are their stories.
Chapter 1
Shawna was trying to concentrate on what her new boss was saying. ‘Fold the shirts, hang the blouses by color.’ But nothing was going in. She couldn’t concentrate because of the feeling she was getting again. She shifted on her feet, willing her mind to ignore it. It was the third time so far today.
It was hard to explain – it was as if there was something inside her, a wriggling feeling in her pants. It was touching her, stroking her, even lightly tickling her. But when she had gone to the bathroom the first two times to check, it was business as usual. Nothing out-of-the-ordinary there, just her regular underwear, just her regular mini-skirt. But this time, if it kept going, she was afraid she might have an orgasm. In the store. In front of her boss. She shifted again, face contorting with both discomfort and pleasure.
“Are you ok, Shawna?” Jennilee asked. “Because it seems like you aren’t actually listening.”
“No, for sure I am!” She hoped she didn’t sound desperate. Without this job, she’d be up shit creek without a paddle. Rent was due soon. “Fold the shirts, hang the blouses by color.”
The irritation showed on Jennilee’s face. “I said that five minutes ago.”
She felt the deep wetness of arousal drench her panties. “I’m sorry, I’m doing my… my… my best!” She wailed the last word, as the feeling thrust up inside her, right against her g-spot, sending her to brink of orgasm. As the waves washed over her, she struggled to say, “I’m so sorry Jennilee, I am not feeling well. I need to get to the bathroom.”
“Go,” said her manager, sighing. This one was going to be trouble, that was for sure.
Shawna leaned against the bathroom sink, looking into her eyes. She shoved her hand down her pants, feeling around for the foreign object that seemed to be penetrating and rubbing her. She had to be honest with herself, it was the best feeling in the world – and one she would enjoy if she weren’t trying her damnedest to keep her job at the clothing store. It was almost like a prehensile cock, if that were a thing – a tongue mixed with a hard member.
It was then that she heard a sound. But strangely, this sound as well as the feeling seemed to be coming from inside her. It was a voice!
“You’re beautiful,” said the masculine voice, deep and rich with a hint of playfulness. “Don’t be scared, now. I just want to make you happy.”
l stop!” she yelled inwardly.
“Doesn’t it feel good?” came the voice again.
“Well, yes,” she had to admit. “Wonderful. But! It’s not appropriate.”
“How can pleasure be inappropriate?”
“When it’s at work! Leave me alone!”
“When can I return?” The voice asked, a little hurt.
“Not while I am at work,” she whispered, this time out loud. “Do you hear me?”
“Loud and clear,” the deep voice answered.
“Great, now I am hearing voices,” she muttered. “Not only might I lose my job, but I am going crazy!” She rubbed her face, took a deep breath and steeled herself to go back out the door.
Chapter 2
Adax was confused. He had finally found the one he wanted to anoint as his mate on the Earth: a curvaceous, dark-haired beauty - and he had commenced the mating ritual. He had sent his finest pleasuring to the creature, scanning her, determining her erogenous zones, and making sure each of the strongest was stimulated in the ideal manner. From the readings, she had peaked several times due to his pleasuring, which made him very proud. So why was she responding so negatively? He looked at himself in the mirror.
Nearly seven feet tall, Adax was a strappingly handsome humanoid creature, with pale lavender skin. The skin was an adaptation due to the lack of sun on his planet – a development that had caused many evolutionary responses. The greater height and pronounced musculature, the greater metabolization of chemicals, the drawing of vitamins from the air – all had eventually become somewhat normal traits for the Eldazon race, due to the loss of their sun.
Luckily they had many resources, and much in the equivalent of earth dollars, as they were able to manage the sun’s extinction by creating one that was artificial. Hung in the sky and emitting all manner of colors onto the rich, lush beauty of the planet below, the artificial sun – or ARTsun – had become a tourist draw to B3-6. Eldazons knew that they were the kind of race who were themselves attractive to the majority of the universe’s creatures – not only physically, but gregarious and giving in manner as well. They worked tirelessly to make their planet beautiful and welcoming, and as such, B3-6 received eager tourists from all over the worlds as the premiere place to get away to, to relax. It was perfect - as long as an artificial sun wouldn’t put you off.
Adax couldn’t understand the reaction of this earthling. He never had trouble with finding someone to mate with. He was one of finest creatures – the epitome of the Eldazon race – a Lord of Astria, for crying out loud!
Which meant that the federation required him to marry an Earth woman.
But how could he win her over? He needed to do it soon, and the current system was not working. He’d have to work to pleasure her more. Perhaps as much as Eldazonly possible.
Chapter 3
That night Shauna was getting ready for bed, brushing her teeth and washing her face, carefully removing her makeup.
Her cat was winding around her ankles, hoping to be fed one last time before she hit the hay.
“Go away, Professor Meowington!” she said, annoyed.
“Professor Meowington? What does this mean?” The low voice, now familiar, entered her mind.
“You’re back!” She said, dropping the toothbrush to the floor, and quickly snatching it up again.
“What is this five-second rule?” came the voice.
“It’s the amount of time that it’s ok to leave something on the ground and still pick it up and put it in your mou-” she stopped explaining abruptly, realizing it was ridiculous. “Who are you! This is my brain! I’ll ask the questions around here.”
“I am Adax,” said the voice, low and rumbling. She had to admit, it was a bit sexy. Especially combined with the activities of late.
“Adax. I’m Shauna,” she said.
“Yes I know.”
“Who are you and why are you doing this to me?” she finally asked.
“I am not important right now,” Adax’s voice almost purred. “You’re the one who is important.”
“What do you want from me?” The cat rubbed against her ankles again, not realizing she wasn’t paying attention to him. She pushed him aside with her foot. “Buzz off!”
“Many apologies,” the voice sounded affronted, shocked. “It’s my aim only to give you pleasure.”
“No Adax, I’m sorry, it’s not you, it’s Professor Meowington. He’s being a pain in the butt.” The cat wandered off, giving up for the time being.
“It is my only hope to be a pleasure in the butt,” Adax replied solemnly. She snorted.
“I see. Well let me finish getting ready for bed and then if you like we can continue our discussion?”
“Very well.”
Looking out from his large capsule at the purplish waterfall below, Adax waited for the go-ahead from Shauna. He began to fantasize about her earthly body. It was smaller than his, as was normal for an earthling – and definitely curvier. He had seen the females of many races, Eldazon being the tourist mecca it was, and he hadn’t been as impressed by many. Though his brother Cael had bragged about the six breasts of his Galorian girlfriend, Adax felt that four was more than enough, and two, perfect. After all, he had only two hands, large as they might be, and there were a lot of areas on a woman he wanted to explore. And although he could pleasure through telepathy alone, he preferred to use his hands. Manually he could really feel the sensations of touch, and leave his mind for extra stimulation. An add-on, as it were. Bonus sexing.
When he got the sign that Shauna was ready for him, he initiated the mind fusing sequence again, and heard her thoughts: “Who is this Adax? What does he want?”
“I want you,” he sent back to her. “I want to make you happy, and want to be your man.”
“What do you look like?”
He sent her an image this time, instead of words.
Shauna gasped, seeing the large alien’s look in her mind. He was exactly her type. Well, except for the light purple skin. But he was clearly tall, dark haired, muscular, ripped. “You’re gorgeous,” she thought involuntarily.
“As are you,” he came back. Almost as a habit, perhaps programmed by her mother, her mind immediately began thinking of all the ways she wouldn’t call herself gorgeous. Maybe a little hippy, she thought. And I can never get my hair to do that thing that the stylist always manages.
Adax shook his head, hearing her criticisms coming fast and furious. Clearly she didn’t understand how beautiful she was. He shook his head lightly, smiling. On Eldazon, she would be a true goddess – a dream come true. Silly, these earth people not understanding their unique beauty. He sent her another mental image, this time of her, how he saw her. Luscious curves, flowing hair, sparkling eyes. Kissable lips. Penetrable body…
Shauna received the image. “That’s you,” he said, in his warm voice. “How can that not be beautiful?”
“I guess I am,” she said. “If you look at me that way.”
“And I do. May I touch you now?”
“Well sure, but don’t get so personal right away,” Shauna admonished primly. “That’s not how we do things here.”
“I’m sorry, I was calculating the most potential pleasure that I could give you at one time, and executing my movements to make that happen.”
“Well as I said, that’s not how we work.” She snuggled down into her covers, and slid a hand between her legs, stroking herself gently. “You want to kiss me first, touch me. And then we can start talking about what else we might want to do.”
“Yes, Shauna,” Adax’s voice said, smiling. “That’s good, tell me how to please you. It’s what I want most in the world.” He reached down, sliding his large hand under the waist of his robes, closing it around the thick root he found there.
“Maybe kiss me?”
Adax ran through the information logs he had stored on a chip in his brain. 4506 files devoted to the concept of kissing. It took him a minute, but he was ab
le to process them.
“Do you want tender kisses, or do you want hard, searching kisses?” He asked, unwilling to risk another error for the time being.
“Well start with the first, and then move to the second,” she said. “It’s nice when things develop organically.”
Adax was excited. He had broken down the first barrier with this earth woman, the one who would eventually be his mate. Perhaps not as easily or quickly as he had wanted or expected, but as long as he didn’t mess it up, she would be a Lady of Astria, alongside his Lordship, and as such, a noble woman on Eldazon. He could see her now, in the traditional flowing robes of the B3-6 tradition. And the federation of planets would not see him as a failure.
Chapter 4